Software Technology Parks of India abbreviated as STPI invite on-line application through the official website of STPI for the recruitment of 01 Post of Head/Chief Operating Officer (COO) vacancies on Contract basis and application form can be submitted from 25 Feb 2020 to 31 March 2020. Eligible candidate can get information regarding age criteria, application fees, exam syllabus, how to apply, qualification and selection process of these posts.
No. of Vacancy: 1 Posts
Recruitment Process: Interview.
Important Dates:
Application Fees:
Less than 45 years as on closing date.
Essential: Bachelor in Technology/Engineering (or equivalent degree) or Master in Technology/Engineering/Science from a recognized, accredited and reputed institute/university
Desirable: An MBA part time/full time from a recognized, accredited and reputed institute/university.
Work Experience
AIC STPINEXT INITIATIVES is looking to hire an individual with impeccable track record with minimum 8 years of overall experience in the IT industry, start-up as cofounder/founder/CxO and/or as an enabler of Start-up, Innovation & entrepreneurship ecosystem by virtue of managing/leading/scaling reputed Innovation & start-up promoting organizations/ incubators/ accelerators/ centres-of-excellence/ entrepreneurship development cells / mentoring organization etc.
Selection for the appointment of 01 Post of Head/Chief Operating Officer (COO) vacancies in Software Technology Parks of India will be based on the written examination marks followed by medical and document verification.
Received application by the last date of receipt of application shall be screened and screened-in candidate shall be called for Written Examination & Personal Interview. Candidate recommended by the Selection Committee shall offered appointment.
Exam Pattern:
Interested and eligible candidate can apply from the apply Online link given below or directly from the link available on the official website of STPI on or before 31 March 2020 for the recruitment of 01 Post of Head/Chief Operating Officer (COO) vacancies in Software Technology Parks of India.
All related important links regarding the recruitment of 01 Post of Head/Chief Operating Officer (COO) vacancies in Software Technology Parks of India is listed below and candidate can apply, download official notification and can visit directly to the official website of STPI.
Apply On-line: | Click Here |
Notification: | Click Here |
Official website: | Click Here |
Qst 1. What is full form of STPI?
☞ Full form of STPI is Software Technology Parks of India.
Qst 2. How many vacancies are there?
☞ There is total 01 Post of Head/Chief Operating Officer (COO) vacancy in Software Technology Parks of India.
Qst 3. Who are eligible to apply?
☞ Any one who have Bachelor in Technology/Engineering (or equivalent degree) or Master in Technology/Engineering/Science from a recognized, accredited and reputed institute/university can apply.
Qst 4. Does there is any Age Criteria?
☞ Yes, Minimum age limit must be 18 years and Maximum age limit must be below 45 years.
Age Relaxation is permitted as per Government Rule.
Qst 5. What will be selection process?
☞ Selection will be based on written examination marks followed by skill test.
Selected candidate will get initial in-hand salary will be around Rs. 1,42,000 based location of posting.