Intelligence Bureau , Ministry of Home Affairs(MHA) abbreviated as IB invite off-line application through the official website of MHA for the recruitment of 02 Post of Deputy Director Technical Vacancies on Deputation basis and application form can be submitted from 20 June 2020 to 19 August 2020. Eligible candidate can get information regarding age criteria, application fees, exam syllabus, how to apply, qualification and selection process of these posts.
Advt. No. - 1/Estt (G-3)/2020(Cir)-899
No. of Vacancy - 2 Posts
Important Dates:
Application Fees: No Application Fees
Recruitment Process - Interview Exam.
Pay Scale / Salary - Pay Level 13A | Rs 8900.
Job Location - Across Inda, India.
Preferably below 56 years as on closing date of application form.
Age Relaxation – As per Government of Rule.
Officers of the Central Government or State Governments or Union Territories or Public Sector Undertakings or Recognized Research Institutions or Universities or Semi Government Organizations or Autonomous bodies or Statutory Organizations:
(a) (i) holding analogous post on a regular basis in the parent cadre/ department. or
(ii) with 2 years' service in the grade rendered after appointment thereto on regular basis in Level 13 in the Pay Matrix or equivalent, in the parent cadre/department; and
(b) possessing the following educational qualification, namely: -
(i) Bachelor Degree in Engineering [B.E or B.Tech or B.Sc(Engg)] in the fields of Electronics or Electronics and Communication or Electronics and Telecommunications; or Associate Membership of Institute of Engineers (AMIE).
(ii) twelve years' experience in research and development or manufacture or application in the area of telecommunication equipment or computer or telecommunication network or signal monitoring or Communication lntelligence (COMINT) or Technical intelligence (TECHINT) or Information Technology (IT). (ii) twelve years' experience in research and development or manufacture or application in the area of telecommunication equipment or computer or telecommunication network or signal monitoring or Communication lntelligence(COMINT) or Technical lntelligence(TECHINT) or Information Technology (IT).
Selection for the appointment of 02 Post of Deputy Director Technical Vacancies in Intelligence Bureau , Ministry of Home Affairs will be based on the Application shortlisting + Interview marks followed by medical and document verification.
Tentative Selection Process:
Eligible candidates may send their application in the prescribed format (attached below) to
Joint Deputy Director/ G, Intelligence Bureau, Ministry of Home Affairs, 35 S.P. Marg, Bapu Cham, New Delhi-21
on or before 19 Aug 2020, along with : (i) Bio-data in the prescribed pro-forma (as per Annexure-A) in duplicate duly signed by the candidate and forwarded through proper channel (each page attested by an officer not below the rank of Under Secretary);
(ii) Copies of APAR/ACRs for the last 5 years attested on each page by an officer not below the rank of Under Secretary;
(iii) Vigilance Clearance Certificate;
(iv) Integrity certificate;
(v) A statement of Major/minor penalty, if any, imposed on the officer during the last 10 years.
(vi) Cadre Clearance Certificate
All related important links regarding the recruitment of 02 Post of Deputy Director Technical Vacancies in Intelligence Bureau , Ministry of Home Affairs is listed below and candidate can apply, download official notification and can visit directly to the official website of IB.
Aoolication Pro-forma: | Click Here |
Official Advt.: | Click Here |
Official Website: | Click Here |
Qst 1. What is full form of IB MHA?
☞ IB stands for Intelligence Bureau.
Qst 2. What is mean by MHA?
☞ MHA stands for Ministry of Home Affairs.
Qst 3. How many job vacancies are there for Deputy Director-Technical in IB MHA?
☞ There is 2 Post of Deputy Director-Technical vacancies in Intelligence Bureau MHA.
Qst 4. What are the qualification requirements for the post of Deputy Director-Technical in IB, MHA?
☞ Any one who have Officers of Government Organizations:
(a) (i) holding analogous post on a regular basis in the parent cadre/ department. or
(ii) with 2 years service in the grade rendered after appointment thereto on regular basis in Level 13 in the Pay Matrix or equivalent, in the parent cadre/department; and
(b) possessing the following educational qualification, namely: -
(i) Bachelor Degree in Engineering [B.E or B.Tech or B.Sc(Engg)] in the fields of Electronics or Electronics and Communication or Electronics and Telecommunications; or Associate Membership of Institute of Engineers (AMIE) plus relevant experience are eligible for the post of Deputy Director-Technical in Intelligence Bureau MHA.
Qst 5. What is Age limit criteria for the post of Deputy Director-Technical in IB, MHA?
☞ Maximum age limit should be below 56 Years.
Age Relaxation is permitted as per Government Rule.
Qst 6. What is the Selection procedure for the post of Deputy Director-Technical in IB MHA?
☞ Selection for the post of Deputy Director-Technical in Intelligence Bureau MHA will be based on Written Test.
Qst 7. What is the Pay structure of Deputy Director-Technical in IB, MHA?
☞ Selected candidate will get initial in-hand salary will be around Rs. 209000 plus other allowances such Pension, HRA etc.
Qst 8. How can I find latest IB, MHA recruitment notification?
☞ All latest vacancies updates of Intelligence Bureau (IB) can be get from onSarkariJob. All recruitment regarding information will be updated on as soon as it announced in leading newspaper or official website.